Grand JunctionDelivery
October, 2021Project Type
4 Ave st., Boulder, USAReforestation can be defined as the process of replanting trees in areas that have been affected by natural disturbances like wildfires, drought, and insect and disease infestations — and unnatural ones like logging, mining, agricultural clearing, and development. This can mean anything from supporting natural regeneration in an area that has been degraded to planting ecologically appropriate tree seedlings after forest fires.
By planting trees in areas that have been degraded or deforested, reforestation helps the environment by guaranteeing, or accelerating the re-establishment of healthy forest structure by regrowing the forest canopy and preserving biodiversity within the ecosystem.
Zakład Produkcyjny
Brykietu Drzewnego
Biomass Future Adrian Kaliszak
Rozbitek 18/61
64-420 Kwilcz
Zakup i sprzedaż Biomasy (trociny, zrębka, kora)
tel. +48 606636725
Sprzedaż Pelletu (drzewny, ze słomy), Brykietu
tel. +48 604891686
Logistyka, Transport, Spedycja
tel. +48 795105802
Biuro, Administracja
tel. +48 539591540